Warning: Use of undefined constant HTTP_CLIENT_IP - assumed 'HTTP_CLIENT_IP' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/hotelmor/www/speedzilla/speedtest4.php on line 3

Warning: Use of undefined constant REMOTE_ADDR - assumed 'REMOTE_ADDR' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/hotelmor/www/speedzilla/speedtest4.php on line 10

Warning: Use of undefined constant HTTP_HOST - assumed 'HTTP_HOST' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/hotelmor/www/speedzilla/speedtest4.php on line 13
Test de Bande Passante Test de Bande Passante

Ce test mesure le débit descendant entre idhf.fr
et votre terminal ec2-3-128-199-62.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com (

Speed Test
 Modem 56k Modem 56k 56 Kbps (7 Ko/sec) 56 Kbps (7 Ko/sec)
 C‰ble/NumŽris 64k C‰ble/NumŽris 64k 64 Kbps (8 Ko/sec) 64 Kbps (8 Ko/sec)
 C‰ble/ADSL/NumŽris 128k C‰ble/ADSL/NumŽris 128k 128 Kbps (16 Ko/sec) 128 Kbps (16 Ko/sec)
 C‰ble 256k C‰ble 256k 256 Kbps (32 Ko/sec) 256 Kbps (32 Ko/sec)
 C‰ble/ADSL 512k C‰ble/ADSL 512k 512 Kbps (64 Ko/sec) 512 Kbps (64 Ko/sec)
 C‰ble/ADSL 1024k C‰ble/ADSL 1024k 1024 Kbps (128 Ko/sec) 1024 Kbps (128 Ko/sec)
 C‰ble 1100k C‰ble 1100k 1100 Kbps (137.5 Ko/sec) 1100 Kbps (137.5 Ko/sec)
 T1 T1 1500 Kbps (187.5 Ko/sec) 1500 Kbps (187.5 Ko/sec)
 C‰ble/DSL 2M C‰ble/DSL 2M 2000 Kbps (250 Ko/sec) 2000 Kbps (250 Ko/sec)
 Votre Bande Passante Votre Bande Passante 173038.949 Kbps (21629.869 Ko/sec) 173038.949 Kbps (21629.869 Ko/sec)
SpeedTest4.PHP (v4.2fr) de Gilles Lacarrière - Concept Original: Allen Marsalis, Michael L Smith